• There is no guarantee that managers will be able to avoid future market losses by going risk off to cash. In addition, holding cash may carry the risk that a manager will not be invested during periods of positive market performance

Clients have different investment goals. Our advisors help clients determine their risk. Horter tactical management style is designed to help protect against large drawdowns, while striving to preserve the long-term growth of your client’s investment portfolio.

The goal of your Horter advisor is to help you minimize downside risk and reasonably plan for 15-25 years of retirement. Various strategies are used to help avoid large-scale losses. Non-correlation and diversified asset classes have a goal to manage wealth for performance and protection. Hedged equity opportunities allow clients to go risk off to cash or potentially make money if stocks go up or down. Being able to make money in bonds as interest rates climb is also very important in a rising interest rate market. Tactical strategies adjust to market conditions, with the goal to protect and grow portfolios even in a volatile market.


We use technology to assist you in getting maximum gains while at the same time limiting the downside risk to your portfolio. Intermixing data and experience, along with understanding regulation is what separates our firm from the rest.

  • Grow Your Wealth
  • Protect Your Downside Risk
  • Retire Well


Growth is relative term. It needs measured against something. We work hard to gain the best outcome for beating the benchmark averages while at the same time limiting your downside risk. We also serve to keep our clients involved in the process.

  • Grow Your Wealth
  • Protect Your Downside Risk
  • Retire Well


Knowing when to take money out of your portfolio and spent it or give it to the next generation is not just a formula, it takes thoughtful planning and is unique to each client’s situation. Our strategy is a simple formula, limit downside risk and take advantage of any upside.

  • Grow Your Wealth
  • Protect Your Downside Risk
  • Retire Well