I’m a big fan of using calculators to help clients determine the “real-world” math supporting the use of various wealth-building tools. One of my favorite software tools is the OnPointe Investment Risk Analyzer program. The software helps consumers determine their own individual investment risk tolerance and then can be used to score investments. OnPointe can also be used to put together the right...
Should We Hate Ken Fisher? While my most popular article of all time is: Is Dave Ramsey an Idiot?, I think this article has potential to become my most popular ever. To read a 17 page white paper on what’s wrong with Dave Ramsey, click on the following link: http://www.uploadedimages.net/content/PDFs/Dave.ramsey.white.paper.pdf I was motivated to write this article after I sat down and read ...
As you may know, the average person has not saved very much for retirement. For this newsletter however, I’m going to assume that those who read it have diligently saved and will have $500,000 in savings by the time they retire. This newsletter is meant to get readers to think about how long a saved up retirement nest egg will last. Here’s a hint: not as long as you think. If you are 65-years old ...